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- /*
- * rpctest.c
- *
- * $Id: idl_rpc_test.c,v 1.4 1997/01/29 23:28:17 kirk Exp $
- *
- *
- *
- Copyright (c) 1988-1997, Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
- This software includes information which is proprietary to and a
- trade secret of Research Systems, Inc. It is not to be disclosed
- to anyone outside of this organization. Reproduction by any means
- whatsoever is prohibited without express written permission.
- */
- /*
- * Purpose:
- * This file contains routines that test the idl rpc client
- * API.
- */
- #include "idl_rpc.h"
- /*
- * Static variable used to signal that the memory callback is called
- */
- static int iCBFlag=0;
- /*
- * Prototypes
- */
- int RPCVarTest(void);
- int RPCStringTest(void);
- int RPCScalarTest(CLIENT *pClient);
- int RPCGetArrayTest(CLIENT *pClient);
- int RPCSetArrayTest(CLIENT *pClient);
- int RPCMemoryTest(CLIENT *pClient);
- int RPCExeTest(CLIENT *pClient);
- void RPCFlushOutput(CLIENT *pClient);
- /****************************************************************************
- * main
- *
- * This is the main program for the idl_rpc_test IDL rpc client program.
- * This program accepts the following command line arguments.
- *
- * % idl_rpc_test <server_id>
- * % idl_rpc_test <hostname>
- * % idl_rpc_test <server_id> <hostname>
- *
- * Where the server_id is the rpc id for the rpc server and the
- * hostname is the name of the host that is running the rpc server.
- */
- int main(c,v)
- int c;
- char **v;
- {
- CLIENT *pClient;
- char cmdbuffer[ IDL_RPC_MAX_STRLEN ];
- IDL_LONG server_id = 0;
- char * hostname = NULL;
- int result,i;
- IDL_VPTR vTmp;
- float *pData;
- /*
- * Process the command line arguments. If there are two arguments
- * then the first must be the server ID and the second must be the
- * server ID.
- */
- switch(c){
- case 3:
- sscanf( v[1], "0x%x", &server_id );
- hostname = v[2];
- break;
- case 2:
- if( !strncmp( v[1], "0x", 2 ) )
- sscanf( v[1], "0x%x", &server_id );
- else hostname = v[1];
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Register the client, check for errors
- */
- if( (pClient = IDL_RPCInit( server_id, hostname)) ==NULL){
- printf("Can't register with server on \"%s\"\n",
- hostname ? hostname : "localhost");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Reset the timeout to 2 minutes
- */
- if(!IDL_RPCTimeout(120)){
- printf("Unable to set timeout\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Now should be connected to server. Perform Variable tests
- */
- fprintf(stdout, "Variable Tests\t\t");
- if(RPCVarTest() != 0){ /* Had an error */
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n");
- IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "PASSED\n");
- fprintf(stdout, "String Tests\t\t");
- if(RPCStringTest() != 0){
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n");
- IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "PASSED\n");
- /*
- * Now to perform tests with scalar variables
- */
- fprintf(stdout, "Scalar Tests\t\t");
- if(RPCScalarTest(pClient) != 0){ /* Had an error */
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n");
- IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "PASSED\n");
- /*
- * Now array tests
- */
- fprintf(stdout, "Get Array Tests\t\t");
- if(RPCGetArrayTest(pClient) != 0){ /* Had an error */
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n");
- IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "PASSED\n");
- fprintf(stdout, "Set Array Tests\t\t");
- if(RPCSetArrayTest(pClient) != 0){ /* Had an error */
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n");
- IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "PASSED\n");
- /*
- * Check for server memory leaks
- */
- fprintf(stdout, "Server Memory Tests\t");
- if(RPCMemoryTest(pClient) != 0){
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n");
- IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "\tPASSED\n");
- /*
- * Finally, Output Redirection and execute command tests
- */
- if(RPCExeTest(pClient) != 0){
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n");
- IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "IDL Execute String\tPASSED\n");
- /*
- * If we are at this point all of the data and interaction tests worked.
- * Now test the different options of IDL Cleanup. First dissconnect
- * the client and leave the server running.
- */
- fprintf(stdout, "IDL_RPCCleanup Tests\t");
- if(IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 0) != 1){
- fprintf(stderr, "FAILED\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Error disconnecting client\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Now reconnect to the server and then disconnect, killing the server
- */
- if( (pClient = IDL_RPCInit( server_id, hostname)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't register with server on \"%s\"\n",
- hostname ? hostname : "localhost");
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Possible error with IDL_RPCCleanup when disconnecting client\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Now to kill the server and the client
- */
- if(IDL_RPCCleanup(pClient, 1) != 1){
- fprintf(stderr, "Error killing server and disconnecting client\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "PASSED\n");
- /*
- * If we got this far, all tests passed. Indicate this and exit
- */
- printf("\nAll RPC tests\t\tPASSED\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- */
- {
- iCBFlag = 0;
- free(pData);
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- * RPCVarTest()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This function is used to test the behavior of the IDL
- * RPC client variable manipulation API. Basically this
- * routine will create and destroy local variables making
- * sure that flags and memory are handled correctly.
- */
- int RPCVarTest(void)
- {
- IDL_VPTR pVar1;
- IDL_VPTR pVar2;
- UCHAR *pData1, *pData2;
- char *pStr;
- IDL_LONG lDim[2] = {10,10};
- bzero((char*)&Var1_s, sizeof(IDL_VARIABLE)); /* clear stack crap */
- /*
- * Create and destroy a simple variable
- */
- if( (pVar1 = IDL_RPCGettmp()) == (IDL_VPTR)NULL){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGettmp: Error allocating variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure that the flags section is marked as IDL_V_TEMP and that
- * the type is 0.
- */
- if( !(pVar1->flags & IDL_V_TEMP)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGettmp: IDL_V_TEMP flag not set.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(pVar1->type){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGettmp: type field not set to null.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if( pVar1->flags & ~IDL_V_TEMP){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGettmp: flags field incorrect\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Gettmp pass it's simple tests, now to deltmp the variable. Not
- * Much you can test except that the OS doesnt give you an error.
- */
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar1);
- /*
- * Create an array.
- */
- if( (pData1 = (UCHAR*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_LONG, 2, lDim, 0,
- &pVar1)) == (UCHAR*)NULL) {
- /*
- * Had an error in creating the array
- */
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCMakeArray: Null value returned\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Create a temporary variable and copy the array data to it. Then
- * test to make sure the variable copied correctly.
- */
- if( (pVar2 = IDL_RPCGettmp()) == NULL){
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar1);
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGettmp: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Do a var copy on the array and make sure that the correct behavoir
- * occurs.
- */
- IDL_RPCVarCopy(pVar1, pVar2);
- /*
- * Check the source variable. It should be an undefined variable with
- * the TEMP flag set.
- */
- if(pVar1->type != (UCHAR)0){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: source variable type incorrect\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(!(pVar1->flags & IDL_V_TEMP)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: source temp flag not preserved\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if( pVar1->flags & ~IDL_V_TEMP){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: source flags incorrect\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVar1)){ /* source should be undefined */
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: source variable not zeroed\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Now for the dest. variable
- */
- if(!IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVar2)){ /* dest should now be an array */
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: Array was not copied correctly\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(IDL_RPCGetArrayData(pVar2) != pData1){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: Array Data block not moved\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(IDL_RPCGetArrayNumDims(pVar2) != 2){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: Dest. array dims incorrect.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar1); /* free up variable */
- /*
- * Now copy the information over to a static variable. This will be
- * used to verify var copy will allocate space for data when the source
- * variable is not marked *temp*.
- */
- IDL_RPCVarCopy(pVar2, &Var1_s);
- /*
- * pVar2 should now be *undefined*. Check this.
- */
- if(pVar2->type != (UCHAR)NULL || !(pVar2->flags & IDL_V_TEMP)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: error with copy to static var.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCVarCopy( &Var1_s, pVar2); /* should allocate new memory */
- if(!IDL_RPCVarIsArray(&Var1_s)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: error with copy to static var.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(IDL_RPCGetArrayData(pVar2) == IDL_RPCGetArrayData(&Var1_s)){
- /*
- * The data pointers should be different. Signal an error
- */
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: static copy, data was moved\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure that the dest variable didnt get the tmp bit set
- */
- if(Var1_s.flags & IDL_V_TEMP){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCVarCopy: static variable had TEMP bit set\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Now free the array and all variables that are in use
- */
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar2);
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(&Var1_s);
- /*
- * Now for the last test, Lets import an array.
- */
- pData1 = (UCHAR*)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(IDL_LONG)*100);
- if(!pData1){
- perror("malloc");
- return 1;
- }
- pVar1 = IDL_RPCImportArray(2, lDim, IDL_TYP_LONG, pData1,
- if(!pVar1){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCImportArray: error detected\n");
- free(pData1);
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Do a quick array check
- */
- if( !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVar1)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCImportArray: Array flag not set\n");
- free(pData1);
- return 1;
- }
- if( IDL_RPCGetArrayNumDims(pVar1) != 2){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCImportArray: n dims incorrect\n");
- free(pData1);
- return 1;
- }
- if( IDL_RPCGetArrayData(pVar1) != pData1){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCImportArray: Data pointer incorrect.\n");
- free(pData1);
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Now free the data. This should call the callback func.
- */
- iCBFlag =1; /* should be set to 0 by the callback function */
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar1);
- if(iCBFlag){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCDeltmp: Error in calling memory callback.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- * RPCStringTest()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine test the string functions which are part of the
- * API.
- */
- int RPCStringTest(void)
- {
- IDL_ALLTYPES Scalar_s;
- char * pCStr;
- bzero((char*)&IDLStr_s, sizeof(IDL_STRING));
- /*
- * Store the value of a string in the alltypes union
- */
- IDL_RPCStrStore(&IDLStr_s, "testing");
- if(IDLStr_s.slen != 7){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCStrStore: String Length incorrect.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pCStr = IDLStr_s.s; /* get the pointer to the string */
- /*
- * Dup the string and make sure the poniters change
- */
- IDL_RPCStrDup( &IDLStr_s, 1L);
- if(IDLStr_s.s == pCStr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCStrDup: string not duplicated.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Delete the string and make sure the struct is cleared.
- */
- IDL_RPCStrDelete(&IDLStr_s, 1L);
- if(IDLStr_s.slen != 0 || IDLStr_s.stype != 0){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCStrDelete: String sturct not cleared.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * And now for ensure length
- */
- IDL_RPCStrEnsureLength(&IDLStr_s, 23);
- if(IDLStr_s.slen != 23){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCStrEnsureLength: slen not set correctly.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCStrDelete(&IDLStr_s, 1L);
- /*
- * Thats it for the string test
- */
- return 0;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * RpcScalarTest()
- *
- * Used to test the scalar ops available via IDL rpc's
- */
- int RPCScalarTest(CLIENT *client)
- {
- IDL_VPTR vPtr, vTmp;
- IDL_ALLTYPES type_s;
- int status;
- vPtr = IDL_RPCGettmp();
- /*
- * Set the values of the scalar and send to the RPC server
- */
- type_s.c = (UCHAR)1;
- IDL_RPCStoreScalar(vPtr, IDL_TYP_BYTE, &type_s);
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(client, "V_BYTE", vPtr)){
- fprintf(stderr, "error setting variable in server: byte");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- return 1;
- }
- vTmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(client, "V_BYTE");
- if(vTmp->type != IDL_TYP_BYTE || vTmp->value.c != (UCHAR)1){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- type_s.i = 2;
- IDL_RPCStoreScalar(vPtr, IDL_TYP_INT, &type_s);
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(client, "V_INT", vPtr)){
- fprintf(stderr, "error setting variable in server: int");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- return 1;
- }
- vTmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(client, "V_INT");
- if(vTmp->type != IDL_TYP_INT || vTmp->value.i != 2){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- type_s.l = 3L;
- IDL_RPCStoreScalar(vPtr, IDL_TYP_LONG, &type_s);
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(client, "V_LONG", vPtr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting variable in server: long");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- return 1;
- }
- vTmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(client, "V_LONG");
- if(vTmp->type != IDL_TYP_LONG || vTmp->value.l != 3L){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- type_s.f = 4.0f;
- IDL_RPCStoreScalar(vPtr, IDL_TYP_FLOAT, &type_s);
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(client, "V_FLOAT", vPtr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting variable in server: float");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- return 1;
- }
- vTmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(client, "V_FLOAT");
- if(vTmp->type != IDL_TYP_FLOAT || vTmp->value.f != 4.0f){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- type_s.d = 5.0;
- IDL_RPCStoreScalar(vPtr, IDL_TYP_DOUBLE, &type_s);
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(client, "V_DOUBLE", vPtr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting variable in server: double");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- return 1;
- }
- vTmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(client, "V_DOUBLE");
- if(vTmp->type != IDL_TYP_DOUBLE || vTmp->value.d != 5.0){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- type_s.cmp.r = 6.0f;
- type_s.cmp.i = 7.0f;
- IDL_RPCStoreScalar(vPtr, IDL_TYP_COMPLEX, &type_s);
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(client, "V_COMPLEX", vPtr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting variable in server: complex");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- return 1;
- }
- vTmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(client, "V_COMPLEX");
- if(vTmp->type != IDL_TYP_COMPLEX || vTmp->value.cmp.r != 6.0f ||
- vTmp->value.cmp.i != 7.0f){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- type_s.dcmp.r = 8.0;
- type_s.dcmp.i = 9.0;
- IDL_RPCStoreScalar(vPtr, IDL_TYP_DCOMPLEX, &type_s);
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(client, "V_DCOMPLEX", vPtr)){
- printf("error setting variable in server: double complex");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- return 1;
- }
- vTmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(client, "V_DCOMPLEX");
- if(vTmp->type != IDL_TYP_DCOMPLEX || vTmp->value.dcmp.r != 8.0 ||
- vTmp->value.dcmp.i != 9.0){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- IDL_RPCStrStore(&type_s.str, "TEN"); /* test string functions also */
- IDL_RPCStoreScalar(vPtr, IDL_TYP_STRING, &type_s); /* copies string */
- IDL_RPCStrDelete(&type_s.str, 1L);
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(client, "V_STRING", vPtr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting variable in server: string ");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- return 1;
- }
- vTmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(client, "V_STRING");
- if(vTmp->type != IDL_TYP_STRING || strcmp(vPtr->value.str.s,
- vTmp->value.str.s)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vTmp);
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(vPtr);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(client, "HELP")){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCExecuteStr: Error executing string \n");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * RPCGetArrayTest()
- *
- * Used to test the passing of Array data back and fourth from IDL
- * to the server.
- */
- int RPCGetArrayTest(CLIENT *pClient)
- {
- IDL_VPTR pVtmp;
- UCHAR *pByte;
- int *pInt;
- IDL_LONG *pLong;
- float *pFloat;
- double *pDouble;
- IDL_COMPLEX *pComplex;
- IDL_DCOMPLEX *pDComplex;
- IDL_STRING *pString;
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "VA_BYTE=bindgen(15)")){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error executing Command String\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pVtmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "VA_BYTE");
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVtmp) != IDL_TYP_BYTE || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVtmp) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVtmp) != 15){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting byte array\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVtmp);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "VA_INT=indgen(31)")){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error executing command string\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pVtmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "VA_INT");
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVtmp) != IDL_TYP_INT || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVtmp) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVtmp) != 31){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting int array\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVtmp);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "VA_LONG=lindgen(30)")){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error executing command string\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pVtmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "VA_LONG");
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVtmp) != IDL_TYP_LONG || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVtmp) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVtmp) != 30){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting long array\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVtmp);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "VA_FLOAT=findgen(31)")){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error executing command string\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pVtmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "VA_FLOAT");
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVtmp) != IDL_TYP_FLOAT || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVtmp) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVtmp) != 31){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting float array\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVtmp);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "VA_DOUBLE=dindgen(30)")){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error executing command string\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pVtmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "VA_DOUBLE");
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVtmp) != IDL_TYP_DOUBLE || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVtmp) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVtmp) != 30){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting double array\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVtmp);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "VA_COMPLEX=cindgen(21)")){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error executing command string\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pVtmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "VA_COMPLEX");
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVtmp) != IDL_TYP_COMPLEX || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVtmp) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVtmp) != 21){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting complex array\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVtmp);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "VA_DCOMPLEX=dcindgen(7)")){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error executing command string\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pVtmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "VA_DCOMPLEX");
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVtmp) != IDL_TYP_DCOMPLEX || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVtmp) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVtmp) != 7){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting dcomplex array\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVtmp);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "VA_STRING=sindgen(32)")){
- fprintf(stderr,"Error executing command string\n");
- return 1;
- }
- pVtmp = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "VA_STRING");
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVtmp) != IDL_TYP_STRING || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVtmp) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVtmp) != 32){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting string array\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVtmp);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "HELP")){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCExecuteStr: Error executing help command\n");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * RpcSetArray()
- *
- * Used to test the array setting ability of the routines.
- */
- int RPCSetArrayTest(CLIENT *pClient)
- {
- IDL_VPTR pVptr;
- UCHAR *pByte;
- short *pInt;
- IDL_LONG *pLong;
- float *pFloat;
- double *pDouble;
- IDL_COMPLEX *pComplex;
- IDL_DCOMPLEX *pDComplex;
- IDL_STRING *pString;
- IDL_LONG l_dim1 = 100;
- IDL_LONG l_dim2[2] = {10,9};
- int i,j;
- /*
- * Start with Main Level. Send over an byte array
- */
- pByte = (UCHAR*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_BYTE, 1, &l_dim1,
- for(i=0;i<l_dim1;i++)
- pByte[i]=(UCHAR)i;
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(pClient, "SET_BYTE", pVptr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting output variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "SET_BYTE");
- if(!pVptr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetVariable: Error getting variable SET_BYTE.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Does result look sane?
- */
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVptr) != IDL_TYP_BYTE || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVptr) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVptr) != l_dim1){
- fprintf(stderr, "Return Byte variable attributes wrong.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pInt = (short*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_INT, 1, &l_dim1,
- for(i=0;i<l_dim1;i++)
- pInt[i]=(short)i;
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(pClient, "SET_INT", pVptr)){
- fprintf(stderr, "error setting output variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "SET_INT");
- if(!pVptr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetVariable: Error getting variable SET_INT.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Does result look sane?
- */
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVptr) != IDL_TYP_INT || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVptr) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVptr) != l_dim1){
- fprintf(stderr, "Return int variable attributes wrong.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pLong = (IDL_LONG*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_LONG, 2, l_dim2,
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(pClient, "SET_LONG", pVptr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting output variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "SET_LONG");
- if(!pVptr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetVariable: Error getting variable SET_LONG.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Does result look sane?
- */
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVptr) != IDL_TYP_LONG || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVptr) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVptr) != l_dim2[0]*l_dim2[1]){
- fprintf(stderr, "Return long variable attributes wrong.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pFloat = (float*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_FLOAT, 1, &l_dim1,
- for(i=0;i<l_dim1;i++)
- pFloat[i]=(float)i;
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(pClient, "SET_FLOAT", pVptr)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error setting output variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "SET_FLOAT");
- if(!pVptr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetVariable: Error getting variable SET_FLOAT.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Does result look sane?
- */
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVptr) != IDL_TYP_FLOAT || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVptr) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVptr) != l_dim1){
- fprintf(stderr, "Return float variable attributes wrong.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- /*
- * Now with the current program Level. Send over an byte array
- */
- pByte = (UCHAR*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_BYTE, 1, &l_dim1,
- for(i=0;i<l_dim1;i++)
- pByte[i]=(UCHAR)i;
- if(!IDL_RPCSetVariable(pClient, "SET_BYTE", pVptr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting output variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGetVariable(pClient, "SET_BYTE");
- if(!pVptr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetVariable: Error getting variable SET_BYTE.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Does result look sane?
- */
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVptr) != IDL_TYP_BYTE || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVptr) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVptr) != l_dim1){
- fprintf(stderr, "Return byte variable attributes wrong.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pInt = (short*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_INT, 1, &l_dim1,
- for(i=0;i<l_dim1;i++)
- pInt[i]=(short)i;
- if(!IDL_RPCSetVariable(pClient, "SET_INT", pVptr)){
- fprintf(stderr, "error setting output variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGetVariable(pClient, "SET_INT");
- if(!pVptr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetVariable: Error getting variable SET_INT.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Does result look sane?
- */
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVptr) != IDL_TYP_INT || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVptr) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVptr) != l_dim1){
- fprintf(stderr, "Return int variable attributes wrong.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pLong = (IDL_LONG*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_LONG, 2, l_dim2,
- if(!IDL_RPCSetVariable(pClient, "SET_LONG", pVptr)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error setting output variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGetVariable(pClient, "SET_LONG");
- if(!pVptr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetVariable: Error getting variable SET_LONG.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Does result look sane?
- */
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVptr) != IDL_TYP_LONG || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVptr) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVptr) != l_dim2[0]*l_dim2[1]){
- fprintf(stderr, "Return long variable attributes wrong.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pFloat = (float*)IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_FLOAT, 1, &l_dim1,
- for(i=0;i<l_dim1;i++)
- pFloat[i]=(float)i;
- if(!IDL_RPCSetVariable(pClient, "SET_FLOAT", pVptr)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error setting output variable\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- pVptr = IDL_RPCGetVariable(pClient, "SET_FLOAT");
- if(!pVptr){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetVariable: Error getting variable SET_FLOAT.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Does result look sane?
- */
- if(IDL_RPCGetVarType(pVptr) != IDL_TYP_FLOAT || !IDL_RPCVarIsArray(pVptr) ||
- IDL_RPCGetArrayNumElts(pVptr) != l_dim1){
- fprintf(stderr, "Return float variable attributes wrong.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVptr);
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "HELP, SET_BYTE, SET_INT, SET_LONG, set_float")){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCExecuteStr: Error executing help command\n");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * RPCMemoryTest()
- *
- * Purpose:
- * This routine sends an array to the server repeatedly and
- * checks for any memory leaks on the server side.
- */
- int RPCMemoryTest(CLIENT *pClient)
- {
- char *pData;
- IDL_VPTR pVar, pVarMem;
- long lMem0;
- int i, iRet=0;
- IDL_LONG lDim=100;
- /*
- * Start by building an array variable
- */
- pData = IDL_RPCMakeArray(IDL_TYP_FLOAT, 1, &lDim,
- if(!pData){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCMakeArray: Error allocating memory\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Send the variable to the server so that it is initially set.
- */
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(pClient, "F_MEM", pVar)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCSetMainVariable: Error setting array\n");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar);
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Get the start memory value
- */
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "mem0=(memory())(0)")){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCExecuteStr: Error setting memory variable\n");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar);
- return 1;
- }
- pVarMem = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "MEM0");
- if(!pVarMem){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting mem0\n");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar);
- return 1;
- }
- lMem0 = IDL_RPCGetVarLong(pVarMem);
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVarMem);
- (void)IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "help, /mem");
- /*
- * Now to loop thru and set the variable on the server side.
- */
- for(i=0;i<1000; i++){
- if(!IDL_RPCSetMainVariable(pClient, "F_MEM", pVar)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCSetMainVariable: Error setting F_MEM\n");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar);
- return 1;
- }
- if( !(i %10)){ /* A "working" indicator */
- fprintf(stdout,".");
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- }
- (void)IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "help, /mem");
- /*
- * Now get the resulting memory level.
- */
- if(IDL_RPCExecuteStr(pClient, "mem0=(memory())(0)")){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCExecuteStr: Error setting memory variable\n");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar);
- return 1;
- }
- pVarMem = IDL_RPCGetMainVariable(pClient, "MEM0");
- if(!pVarMem){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCGetMainVariable: Error getting mem0\n");
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar);
- return 1;
- }
- if(lMem0 != IDL_RPCGetVarLong(pVarMem)){
- fprintf(stderr, "Memory Leak detected on the server.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\tInitial %d\t Final %d\n", lMem0,
- IDL_RPCGetVarLong(pVarMem));
- iRet = 1;
- }
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVarMem);
- IDL_RPCDeltmp(pVar);
- return iRet;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * RPCExeTest()
- *
- * Used to test the execute command string functionality.
- */
- int RPCExeTest( CLIENT *pClient)
- {
- int iResult;
- char sBuffer[512];
- /*
- * Start by setting up command line trapping
- */
- if(!IDL_RPCOutputCapture(pClient, 100)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCOutputCapture: Error setting up buffer\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Start up a command processing loop
- */
- fprintf(stdout, "\nEnter IDL Commands, ^D or a null line to exit\n\n");
- for(;;){
- printf("RMTIDL> ");
- sBuffer[0] = '\0';
- gets(sBuffer);
- if(sBuffer[0] == (char)NULL)
- break; /* user whats to exit */
- iResult=IDL_RPCExecuteStr( pClient, sBuffer);
- RPCFlushOutput(pClient);
- /*
- * Now flush the output buffer
- */
- }
- printf("\n");
- if(!IDL_RPCOutputCapture(pClient, 0)){
- fprintf(stderr, "IDL_RPCOutputCapture: Error disabling output capture.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * RpcFlushOutput()
- *
- * Test routine that empties out the output queue on the server
- */
- void RPCFlushOutput(CLIENT *pClient)
- {
- char outbuffer[IDL_RPC_MAX_STRLEN];
- sLine.buf = outbuffer;
- while(IDL_RPCOutputGetStr(pClient, &sLine, 0)){
- printf("%s%c", sLine.buf, (sLine.flags & IDL_TOUT_F_NLPOST ?
- '\n' : '\0'));
- } /* thats it */
- }